Csaba Cselko

Wainscott · Rochester, Kent · United Kingdom · mail@me

I have always had an interest in programming and decided that I wanted to pursue a career as a developer. This led me to recently graduate from a coding Traineeship as a full stack developer including completing 2 real-world projects successfully to specification using a wide range of programming languages.

Education & Trainings

IT Career Switch Ltd

Coding Traineeship

During the traineeship I had to demonstrate a very competent level of the following programming languages and technical skills:

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • PHP, SQL, React, jQuery
  • Java, Python, C#
  • Command line Git, GitHub
  • Remote API access

Additional technologies: NodeJs, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

1-year program

University of Miskolc

Non graduated
State and law

September 1995 - May 1999

Ferenc Mora High School

High-school graduation

Grammar and Literature





September 1993 - May 1995


Programming Languages & Tools
  • jQuery
  • C-Sharp
  • SQL Database
  • Mongo DB
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Procedural Programming, Functional Programming & OOP


In addition to being a web developer, I enjoy spending most of my time both indoors and outdoors. I've tried a lot of things already. I am a qualified parachutist and diver but I have also measured myself in rock climbing. If we can, we hike in nature with my partner and our child.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and documentum films, I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the coding world.



Extensive use of third party APIs

Provide profiling for all countries through the presentation of demographic, climatic, geographical and other data.

Company Directory

Interact with a back end server database

Create a desktop website that can also run on a mobile that allows for the maintenance of a company personnel database to see who’s who, which department they are in and where they are.

Python Web Apps with Flask

Create and deploy a fully-featured Flask application

No matter what your site does, this project should test your skills in the following areas:

  • Creating routes and serving HTML pages using templates
  • Collecting user data with forms
  • Storing and accessing data in databases
  • Authenticating users and providing user accounts
  • Deploying applications on the web


Please reach out with any inquiries or questions you may have. I would love the opportunity work with you and see what awesome things we can create!